Sunday, May 25, 2008

some funny stuff from my elementary school

Seen on the wall in the boy's restroom: "k-c-u-f." I told the reading specialist that he let one of the dyslexic students fall through the cracks.

I saw the elderly custodian one morning and lamented that I had forgotten my coffee thermos. He mumbled back showing all gum "that's nothing...I forgot to put in my teeth this morning.

Kelsey, a fourth grader, finally rode the unicycle across the gym floor after months of practice. She happened to be wearing a dress that day. She considered that it was her lucky dress. After that day, she would always wear that same dress when she knew it was unicycle riding day.

Boy to teacher during a "sex health class:" Does a boy have to have a resurection to have sex? (He comes from a Catholic family)

1 comment:

Ben Regan said...

That is pretty funny. I bet you look forward to going to school everyday because of stuff like that.