Saturday, May 31, 2008

KIN 710 on youtube

The quality of the videos varies. Some are informative while some are visually grainy. I don't like the way that the feed is slow and often the video needs to pause while the feed catches up. I guess you can go to another tab and wait until the video is all cued up, before you go back to watch it. This site is such a great resource for the P.E. classes that I teach. For short videos of sportstacking (cupstacking) championships, this is a great resource to inspire students. For instructing too, there are unlimited choices. For short videos on bike safety, there are some worthy choices. I am not limited anymore to the choices that our district video lending library carries. I chose a video entitled "Top 6 Stretching exercises" as one that I would mention in my blog. It is an advanced lesson in stretching done in a professional way. It may be more for middle school or high school. There are several others which give good information on stretching from various viewpoints and for specific sports.

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